par Marie-France Lefort | 7 déc. 2022 | Cartes de motivation
Motivational Maps, A Model for the New World of Work The new world of work that has emerged from under the global tidal wave of change of the past few years has left many organizations looking for new ways to lead, attract, inspire, and retain their most valuable...
par Marie-France Lefort | 7 déc. 2022 | Cartes de motivation
Motivational Maps, an Insightful Tool for Successful Recruiting The labour market has rarely seemed as challenging as in this end-of-pandemic period. Statistic Canada reported that in August 2022, 11.9% of permanent employees were planning to leave their jobs within...
par Marie-France Lefort | Mar 12, 2022 | Coaching, Motivational Maps®
La clé pour définir le succès pour vous-même transcende les croyances communes sur ce qui fait un.e entrepreneur.e prospère. J'ai rencontré de nombreux entrepreneurs et personnes entreprenantes au cours de ma vie. Ceux qui ont des entreprises qui durent semblent tous partager une qualité : la capacité à nommer ce qui...