Face The Fear,
Take Action,
Make An Impact

Marie-France Lefort Coaching

What gets in the way of you achieving your goals?

Many of us struggle with taking the action required to achieve real satisfaction in our lives.

You might be feeling:

Distracted or overwhelmed – life is pulling you in so many directions and you feel like you’re falling short
There’s never enough time to prioritize YOUR goals and dreams (you’re too busy trying to be everything to everyone!)
You’re simply running on a treadmill, and not living with the purpose and joy you KNOW you deserve
You want to concentrate on what really matters to you, but you’re stuck. You just can’t seem to find the way forward.
next best chapter of your life

Let’s move to the next, best chapter of your life

You have it in yourself to live the life you were meant to live, with purpose and joy! Together, we can identify the thoughts and patterns that are blocking you, and clarify your values ​​and what matters most to you.

We’ll work together to:

Explore different ways of being in the world
Identify the change you want and how to implement it on a day-to-day basis
Stay the course by talking about your successes and reminding you of the work that remains to be done.

Even though I would have liked “miracle solutions”, I know from experience they don’t replace doing the work. After two coaching sessions with Marie-France, I felt more able and had more confidence to succeed in my projects. Key takeaways from our conversations have kept me on track and organized.

C.C., Ottawa - Coaching Client

Through her listening skills and her personalized approach, Marie-France was able to give me simple tools to stop and reflect on what was important for me: my health!  No one’s perfect, and when I lack focus and begin thinking negatively, I contact Marie-France and with one session I find my way back to living in the present moment.

L. Landry, - Coaching Client

My Approach


You have more choices than you think. I help you develop an awareness of the behaviors you adopt out of habit or familiarity, and open the door for you to exercise your own choices and be free from overwhelm and stress.

I offer simple, powerful tools that support mindset shifts when you are going through or preparing for an important transition in your life. You can expect a clear action plan that allows you to achieve your goals while remaining true to yourself and what matters most to you.

My role as your coach:

To help hold you accountable for your learning
To ask thought-provoking, stimulating, and sometimes difficult questions
To support you in bringing forth the change you desire
To challenge you to explore a different way of being
To accompany you in identifying your current beliefs
To remind you of your successes and of the work still ahead
To help you recognize the thinking that is keeping you stuck

It’s easy to get started:

Step 1

Schedule A Call

We’ll clarify your vision for success, so that your strengths and skills are engaged in getting you there

Step 2

Develop A Plan

Stay focused on results with motivation and energy for the things that matter.

Step 3

Start Making An Impact

As you become aware of the lens you use to see the world, you gain tools to effectively begin the change you want to make.

Become the person who achieves goals and inspires others!

Your Questions, Answered

How do I know if I’m ready for coaching?
Some of us wait a long time for the “perfect time” to come. The right time is likely now. If you feel like something has to change, and you’re ready to take that step, then it’s the right time for coaching.
Isn’t individual coaching expensive?
Let’s chat about what is possible for you. I have several different coaching packages available, so we can see what’s right for you. No pressure. Our first meeting is free and helps both of us understand where you want to go and if coaching (and us working together) is the best way to get there.
I would love to do this, but I have so little time right now…
Being dissatisfied takes up a lot of time and energy! Having a clear action plan that’s aligned to your purpose and values will help you prioritize what’s most important in your life, helping you to use your time wisely and focus on what really matters to you. Coaching will help you gain time, not lose it!
How is coaching different from counseling or therapy?

In coaching, the client and the coach work together, but the client sets the agenda.  A person who takes on a coach is not looking to be fixed. It is your journey.  You have all the resources in you to have the life you want. You are responsible for your learning.   A coach is there to facilitate exploration and discovery, sometimes asking difficult questions so that new possibilities can emerge.  In therapy and counseling, the client works directly with an expert who provides advice and guidance.  The focus is also different: in coaching, we generally work with the present to make a different future unfold.  In therapy, the past is a key element to examine as you work with a therapist to “fix” or resolve something.  

How long will the coaching take?
It really depends on your goals. We’ll have an initial discussion that will enable you and I to discern whether we are a good fit. If the answer is yes, we’ll come up with a package that is best suited to your needs and budget.
What if I decide to stop the coaching process?
The person being coached is in the driver’s seat here. We sign an agreement that enables you to stop coaching sessions if you no longer feel they are helpful to you.
I’ve tried coaching before and it didn’t work. What makes your process different?

There are many factors that can contribute to an unsuccessful coaching relationship. Ask yourself if you are at a different place in your life than you were then. Do you have a clearer idea of what you want in a coach and why? In my practice, I rely on proven methods like Motivational Maps that can have an immediate positive impact on your goals and mindset, and I combine this with my experience in helping people create change. Contact me for a free half-hour consultation so we can discuss your goals. There is no obligation to pursue coaching sessions if you are not certain it is for you.

Motivational Video