From Where I Stand…
Blog Articles, Tips, Strategies and Inspiration

Motivational Maps as Relationship Accelerator Series: Introduction
Motivational Maps, A Model for the New World of Work The new world of work that has emerged from under the global tidal wave of change of the past few years has left many organizations looking for new ways to lead, attract, inspire, and retain their most valuable...

Motivational Maps as Relationship Accelerator Series : Recruitment
Motivational Maps, an Insightful Tool for Successful Recruiting The labour market has rarely seemed as challenging as in this end-of-pandemic period. Statistic Canada reported that in August 2022, 11.9% of permanent employees were planning to leave their jobs within...

Lead so others will lead
I am not so good at delegating. Let’s just say that I like to do things by myself: free to succeed and to fail on my own terms. There is also, still, a part of me that wants to please and be a “nice girl”. In the last year or so, on a bit of a self-improvement and...

Successful on your own terms – what makes a successful entrepreneur?
The key to defining success for yourself transcends common beliefs about what makes a successful entrepreneur. I’ve met many entrepreneurs and enterprising people in my time. Those who have businesses that last all seem to share one quality: the ability to name what...

Reading The Paper Together
These days, I may be watching television and movies a bit more than I used to. That’s not always a bad thing. Sidney Poitier died recently. In a tribute segment, I caught an interview he gave to Leslie Stahl from 60 minutes in 2013. I have always found him intriguing....

Marie-France Lefort
Marie-France Lefort is a sought-after bilingual coach and consultant. Her inspirational leadership guides individuals and teams to bring forth change and more authentic and fulfilling results.